ISKCON – Chandigarh has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy.
This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the user information under
our control. Best effort is made to keep user data private, confidential and password protected.
All donations / payments made through the site are routed through HDFC Bank's secured payment Gateway
servers, with best available security measures in place. Your credit card information will be protected as per
International Standards and Technology. As per Secured payment norms, we do not get your Credit card number
at any point of time, hence please do not quote your Credit Card number in any communication to us. We only get
your personal details and the transaction details like time, transaction number and amount.
ISKCON reserves the right to change this privacy statement without any prior notification. We request you to visit
the privacy statements pages regularly to review the latest privacy policies.
If you have any queries regarding the privacy policy or your dealings with the website you can mail us